Love, Marriage

What’s Your Vision?

Do you even have one? When we got married I didn’t even know what vision was, I was barely thinking a day ahead. I knew I loved this guy, I felt butterflies in my tummy even when I thought about him, but looking ahead, having a plan, or a vision for our life, no, I did not. But as the years went on, and I…we…matured and got through some pretty tough times, a vision started to emerge. At the time I didn’t really know what it was, but as time went on I learnt what it was and how important it really was.

So what was the vision for us? It’s quite simple really, that we always talk, and that we always, always, always put us before everything and everyone else. I know it may sound selfish given that we have 3 children, but it’s imperative. Why? Because they eventually leave and we will be left with each other.

So here we are 2 weeks away from our 36th wedding anniversary, the kids are all grown up and married themselves, and we are doing well, actually better than that, we’re doing great.

What’s your vision? Do you have a dream for your marriage? Maybe it’s time to have one. Don’t over complicate it, keep it simple.

Today I Am Grateful