Counselling, Family, Love, Marriage, Uncategorized


It’s a really hard way to start the new year, but here we go. In the past 1½ years we have both lost our fathers. Yes, they were both in there 80’s, his well into his 80’s, and mine just ticked over, but their age doesn’t matter because the grief is just the same. It doesn’t matter how long they may have been sick, whether their passing was expected or not. It hurts.

Support is key. My grief is still so raw, as my father only passed a few short weeks ago, and I feel so incredibly numb. My husband isn’t feeling it as badly anymore, but he is still feeling it, and with the passing of my Dad it’s brought it all up again.

So what can we do for each other? Not much really, not in a practical sense. We can listen to each other as we reminisce, hold each other as tears fall, be tolerant when anger rises in those moments when really what we feel is fury over our loss, but above all, just love each other as we navigate our grief. There’s no rule book, no specific directions for the way it should go, just love.

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