Counselling, Family, Forgiveness, Getting Married, Gratitude, Love, Marriage, Quotes

Humility and the Love of a Good Man

I don’t write as much on the Marriage Files as much as I feel I should, or even as I would like to, mainly because I’ve been quite unwell and as a result typing is difficult, so I must get one of those voice recognition thingy’s…like that? That’s the technical name.

Anyway, enough about me I want to talk about us, well mainly him. Last year began a particularly bad year with my health (there I go again talking about me), and as I discussed in a previous post titled “In Sickness”, my husband has, not just stepped up, he’s run a marathon, and then some, like the 72 steps to the entrance of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, you know the ones? Rocky ran up, and cheered for himself when he got to the top. Well my husband never cheers for himself.

He never complains that he has to iron his own shirts.

He never complains that his lunches are made in bulk, all the same, and frozen.

He never complains that the vacuuming, dusting or let’s face it, any house work isn’t done.

He never complains (this is a big one) that he has to do the grocery shopping on the way home from a long day at work.

He never complains that he has to have a second job because I can’t even have one job.

He never complains that I only cook ever 2-3 weeks when I’m feeling okay and freeze a heap of meals, so he can have microwave dinners.

When I thank him, he just says “it’s my job and I love you so much”, why and how did I get so lucky?

The truth is, I don’t know. I do the best I can with what I can do. We laugh a lot, I do see the funny side of pretty much everything in life, and that keeps him amused. We live in our own little world these days. We see our kids and grandkids when we can, sadly it’s not often enough, but he says he’s happy to be at home with me.

This past year has shown me what true humility looks like, and it looks like my husband.

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Let’s Talk About Getting Married Young

All of my children are married.

They all married young.

People often ask me why that is, and I suppose the answer is, why not? They’ve grown up with an expectation that  when they get married it’s for life, and that getting married is not a bad thing. It worked for their parents, why wouldn’t it work for them too?

Yes, they’ve seen the up’s and downs, they’ve seen and heard the arguments, we never hid that from them, but they’ve also seen us work it out, forgive, keep loving. We drive each other crazy at time, they know that’s a part of being married. Married life is never going to be perfect, but it can be good.

My husband and I laugh. It is said that laughter is the best medicine for all that ails you, well I believe the same applies in marriage. Learn to laugh together, learn to laugh at yourself. Don’t make jokes at each others expense, that’s just mean, but see the lighter side of life.

My youngest got married last October, so I thought I would share some photos. Did I hear you say beautiful?